Friday, December 16, 2016

Patriotic or Treasonous?

So the world has gone off the deep end, and we're all aware, of course (those that pay any attention,) but there are a few shining examples for lights at the end of the tunnel.  It wasn't so long ago that any talk of illegal government practices was all considered conspiracy theory and nonsense.  Thanks to a number of folks, most notably as of late, Edward Snowden, we're coming to learn that a lot of these once "crazy" or "unthinkable" notions are in fact truth hidden from those of us in the private sector.  It's the goal of this blog to report on some of these things and, hopefully, educate a few and even change a few minds.  Now, fair warning, I'm rarely within the realm of politically correct and say things like "fuck" and "shit" a LOT.  If you find these uses of slang and profanity offensive, this is probably not the blog for you.  If you can get past all that and want to keep in the know or even share your thoughts as well, then, by all means, follow along.

With that said, what better to start with than the unbelievable travels of Edward Snowden himself?  I'll start by stating that I am no professor at law, local, state, or federal, but am very adept in the fields of common sense and patriotism.  Case in point, I could not begin to pick apart what aspects of the Espionage Act of 1917 (since revised numerable times,) might be partly or entirely unconstitutional, but with what little I know about it, I can tell you that it makes for a bad situation for anyone hoping to keep our (once great) government in line.

So, next a bit of sentimentality.  Honest Abe (Abraham Lincoln) called the USA as a government of the people, by the people, for the people.  I honestly believe it once was with statements so bold as to proclaim that we are each entitled the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Now, a quick Google search to define liberty (go ahead, try it yourself, "define: liberty", it'll open in a new tab or window,) shows us "the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views."

Before I go further with this explanation, I'll first fill you in with a quick laymen's explanation of the Edward Snowden case.  Edward Snowden worked for the CIA, both directly and contractually if I'm not mistaken, as well as the NSA, again I believe this was contractually (and probably a few other similar jobs along the way.)  Along the way down this career path, having set out to help keep America great, unlike some people...anyway, sorry, I digress, Mr. Snowden came across a number of highly classified documents and programs that were of a very sensitive nature.  These cases were such as to monitor and record, without so much as a warrant from any court you or I would know, a plethora of communication networks (cell phones, computers, emails, etc.) not only in foreign countries that might seem a threat to our national security but right here in the United States of America.  My phone, your phone, your bosses emails, your daughter's laptop (the one she always leaves open even if it's asleep, the one with the webcam in it, the one she changes her clothes in front of when she's running late for school... yeah, that one.)

These programs are all, as I mentioned, highly classified.  So highly, in fact, that they were nearly unmonitored.  There's a top secret court (not local, not county, not supreme, nothing you've likely heard of before you heard of Edward Snowden,) operating under FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,) that decides, when the occasion requires permission, whether or not a warrant is issued.  Yeah, FOREIGN Intelligence surv...blah, blah, blah... Apparently, they consider Nebraska a foreign nation, along with the other 49 US states.  Anyway, now that you're somewhat caught up, were it needed, let's get back to it.

Liberty is a state of being free from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority.  If we had liberty, these secret programs within the organizations trusted with our safety would never have existed.  I've been watching the responses of Mr. Obama to the public outcry against these programs and I now regret his ever having taken office.  Sure, in general, we might not be doing so well had the republicans won either of the last two elections (or even Hillary when she ran against Obama,) but we might have a better handle on our personal privacy and liberty.  I'm almost certain that it's still too late, that there are programs that Snowden was not aware of, have come since, or that he simply didn't have time to address.  These are a modern cancer to society.  It's expected of nations like Russia and China to strip away a nation's rights but not of the US.  We were once better than this.

Now, I know there are many out there who will cry "9/11".  I remember the day well so you don't have to cry to me.  But wasn't it bad enough so many American lives were lost that day?  Did we really have to lose our liberty as well?  This abuse of power has torn this country apart from the inside out and will continue to do so until the entire situation is rectified and formal appologies (hardly necessary, but expected,) are made and ALL responsible parties are brought to justice.  It may sound a bit extreme, but why should our dear president, the upper echelons of the TLAs (three letter acronyms - FBI, CIA, NSA, ...) and other responsible parties not be made to face the same fate they're all calling for of Edward Snowden?

General Michael Hayden, the former director of the NSA, once stated of Mr. Snowden "He has betrayed his own oath, he's betrayed his workers, he's betrayed his institution and he's betrayed the Secret Service of his homeland."  Perhaps, but all those bodies he betrayed?  Yeah, THEY BETRAYED US.  They betrayed our constitution.  They betrayed the written law we are all expected to live by and uphold.  They've betrayed each and every citizen of these United States.  Stop pointing fingers, you fat ass, balding piece of communist shit, and look in a fucking mirror if you want to see betrayal.  Edward Snowden FOUGHT for this country.  He fought for US.  He saw a problem with the system and, to the risk of everything he held dear, he made it known.  He gave up his life of freedom as a United States citizen so that WE would know just what YOU were doing.

The Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner, Mark Rowley, said, "Edward Snowden has undermined our ability to protect the public and save lives."  No, sir, it is you and those above you who have undermined your abilities.  The moment the first go-ahead was given on the first blatantly illegal, immoral, and unjust program of this nature was given, the integrity of the governing and protective offices of the United States were ALL undermined.  When it becomes OK for an analyst to start spying on the citizens of his or her own nation with no further reason than they're Facebook friends with the niece of some guy who shook hands with someone who might know a terrorist and to do so without cause or WARRANT, with no governance what so ever, you've gone too far.

But Mark Rowley goes on to say, "We've got terrorists and criminals who are better informed and more alert at finding the gaps in our capability and operating there."  They're probably better at English, too, but that's another post altogether.  So these mean ol' terrorists and criminals know your systems better than you?  That should tell you that your systems need work.  Your security needs a buff.  Your analysts need to do their jobs better or you need to find analysts that can.  It by NO means requires you to SPY ON YOUR OWN FUCKING CITIZENS.

Now, I know I've rambled a bit, and will begin to wrap this up, and in doing so would only like to reiterate.  Our country was built on a foundation of liberty and freedom for its civilians.  One by one, these liberties and freedoms are being stripped away from us and most don't take the time to realize it's happening.  Those that do, in many cases, simply state things like "I've got nothing to hide, who cares about privacy?"  Fine, let them take your rights to privacy.  Next, it will be "I've don't own a gun, we have cops for that."  Great, then let them take away your rights to bear arms.  Still a great country, right?  Well, then they're going to take away another right.  The one I'm using right now.  The freedom of speech.  But, of course, you don't care, right?  You've got nothing to say, right?  Fine, then there goes 'no taxation without representation'...well, that one's kind of limping as it is.  Fuck it, let's just get rid of it all, the government will protect us.  Sure, sure, sure they will.  Just like the Russian, North Korean, and Chinese governents take such great fucking care of their civilians.

I think Edward Snowden put it best when he said  "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."  And, unfortunately, both of these rights, and damn near the rest of them, are taken for granted so often by so many that few will even realize they'll miss them before they're gone.

If Edward Snowden is a terrorist for his actions, then he's MY terrorist and I thank him dearly for them.  It was an act of terrorism when we separated from Great Brittain to form ourselves as our own sovereign nation.  We did so because our rights, the basic rights our constitution was written to protect, had been denied to us.  So, when it had gone on for too long, great men stood up and put a stop to it.  Men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington.  What Mr. Snowden has done is no more a treasonous act to us, as humans, than what our forefathers had done in the name of freedom and justice.  Were it not for these great men, the United States and all the freedoms it once stood for and protected would have never been.  If not for Mr. Snowden, we might never have been made aware of the levels of depravity to which our protectors had fallen.

So, let me know your thoughts on the state of this great nation.  I'll be digging around to see what dirty bits of nasty governmental policies are bleeding through to the public and make my best effort to keep you all informed.

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